15 January
And we’re off! The pair together on the east side of the tower, roosting above the bell chamber mid-afternoon.
Cameras and nest tray in the next couple of weeks.
27 January
The nest tray was put in place today. Also, all the cameras have been installed, including the live-stream to the church coffee shop and a new camera monitoring the south walkway (previously hidden from view). This camera was paid for by Mike Tarrant and Julia Mullett, in memory of Julia's brother Barry Clarkson, an acomplished bird-watcher, who passed away suddenly on 26 December 2023.

29 January
A remarkable recording by the nest camera yesterday. Around 13.30, a black redstart was seen feeding on and around the nest tray. It remained for about 1 hour and was possibly the bird seen in the east of the town on 7 January, a scarce winter visitor and a first for Louth since April 2012.
Click the image below to see the video on YouTube.

2 February
10 days earlier than last year, the male makes his first visit at 07.35 today. The black redstart was also present briefly at 09.45